Hello everyone! I'm a 29 year old female born and raised in Texas, who happened to fall in love with a man in N. Ireland. I'm completely willing to move, however, my family isn't too excited about it. We have been very close my entire life and have always lived within a few hours of each other. My sister just had a baby, whom I adore. I'm realistic that the move will be difficult, and I know I'll be homesick.
The problem is that my parents have chosen to ignore the fact that I'm dating someone from another country and there is a possibility that I may end up moving. It's strange because we completely avoid the situation. I've tried bringing it up, but the conversation just ends up getting heated. My mother seems to take it very personally, saying things like "How could you do this to us?" I understand that they may be disappointed, however, I can't make decisions based on what my parents want me to do (I am almost 30, afterall!).
My question is: How did you talk to your family about moving abroad? Did anyone have the same issues that I've posted above? Any advice?
Thank you in advance!
The problem is that my parents have chosen to ignore the fact that I'm dating someone from another country and there is a possibility that I may end up moving. It's strange because we completely avoid the situation. I've tried bringing it up, but the conversation just ends up getting heated. My mother seems to take it very personally, saying things like "How could you do this to us?" I understand that they may be disappointed, however, I can't make decisions based on what my parents want me to do (I am almost 30, afterall!).
My question is: How did you talk to your family about moving abroad? Did anyone have the same issues that I've posted above? Any advice?
Thank you in advance!