Hi There I am really hoping someone can help me with this set of queries and thank you all in advance! I am a British Citizen that has been living and working in the US, San Francisco for the last 8 years. I have recently decided to move back to the UK with my partner who will also be working soon. I have been offered what seems like a good job at a stable Global company and am trying to establish the cost of living changes etc. when relocating back to UK...it's been so long : ) I currently earn $160, 000 plus a good bonus and all the perks/benefits as one would expect from a large US company (stock, pension, ESPP, Bonus, free gym, pension etc.) The new position in the UK will be paying in GBP. They are offering a base salary of ?77,500 plus a car allowance of ?6,600 per year putting the amount up to ?84,100 pa. The annual bonus is expected at a minimum of ?10,000 or so for target. Of course it's not all about the cash and they have offered decent stock RSU and a sign on bonus (one time fee) of ?12,500 and have a great benefit package. They offer good leave (sick, holiday and maternity, private healthcare for me and my partner, good relocation fees and services, tax service help, temporary accommodation pension an a reduced gym membership. Although the package seems good I am worried about the base salary. Will this be too much of an adjustment with cost of living changes and what feels like a loss in salary? Is this a decent salary to live on in London these days? We don't have children yet and will plan to rent a 2BR place on London somewhere that will allow a fairly easy commute to the office (North West London). My partner will also hope to work shortly. Any advice on the numbers and whether we could have a decent lifestyle would be appreciated. As for "decent" we are not extravagant but like some treats in the fridge, movies and dinners out with friends. Like a few drinks here and there and buy enough to get by....not over consumers if that makes sense. Any advice..I am terrified we'll feel the pain and wonder of we have done the right thing! Thank you all in advance!