I need help locating a particular type of cat that is native to Vietnam. I am having a difficult time finding anyone to even write to in Vietnam. First of all I am a cat breeder in the US. You can see my site at
http://chausie.net . I am a very credible breeder and can furnish many references to my integrity. Anyway the type of cat I am looking for is called a fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) . You can see a picture of them at this site : http://www.cathouse-fcc.org/fishingcat.html
We are looking for one to help in our breeding program. They are very difficult to find in the US as zoos don't keep them anymore. They used to be plentiful in certain Vietnam areas but I have no idea as to their availability today. I can arrange for the importation once one is found. I would want one or two males, as young as possible. I would be willing to pay for time and expenses if someone could help me.
If you are not familiar with this type of animal maybe you could direct me to an area zoo or veterinarian that could guide me in the right direction.
I need help locating a particular type of cat that is native to Vietnam. I am having a difficult time finding anyone to even write to in Vietnam. First of all I am a cat breeder in the US. You can see my site at
http://chausie.net . I am a very credible breeder and can furnish many references to my integrity. Anyway the type of cat I am looking for is called a fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) . You can see a picture of them at this site : http://www.cathouse-fcc.org/fishingcat.html
We are looking for one to help in our breeding program. They are very difficult to find in the US as zoos don't keep them anymore. They used to be plentiful in certain Vietnam areas but I have no idea as to their availability today. I can arrange for the importation once one is found. I would want one or two males, as young as possible. I would be willing to pay for time and expenses if someone could help me.
If you are not familiar with this type of animal maybe you could direct me to an area zoo or veterinarian that could guide me in the right direction.