Get ready for the adventure of your life. Vietnam is one of the most intresting countries on the earth. Before you begin your journey remember you must do your reasearch as the seasons will dictate what you will ned to wear. The North is the coldest area of Nam and you will need to bring warm clothes and the South which has a much warmer temp. requires you to pack in coller clothes. Of all the cities in Nam, I suggest visiting Ho Chi Minh, Nha Trang, Hue and Hanoi.
Keep in mind when you eat, the food is wonderful however unlike Western standards, the food is not kept Gov. Regulated standards and so it is easy to get ill when eating out so be sure to pack Western Med's. as in Nam, you will not be able to buy many of the common med's. I recomend you never skimp on where you eat as Vietnam has many places to eat yet if you try to save money on food and eat at such places such as street vendors, you will be stuck in your hotel for several days as a result of your choice of food locations. It is best to eat well at locations that are often visited by westerns. Next keep in mind that people dress casual. There is no neet to pack clothes that stand out. Be alert as to what you carry as your wallet can be lifted in a second and sich things such as a cam, cell can just as east be lifted from your person. When I travel in Nam, I always place my wallet in my front pocket and place my pocket square on top of it so if one of the locals reaches in, they will encounter my pocket square first offering me me the chance to detect them prior to them reaching my wallet/cell. As for my cam. I have a Cannon Rebbel and I hold on to the cam. case very tight and it is always held in the hand that is between my wife and I to make it much harder for a person to run by and grab it.
Even in a taxi taking photos out of the window invites a passing motor bike to grabe it from your hands and so in closing I wish you all the best time. Be safe and be aleart. Should you require any further information on Vietnam feel free to email me [email protected]
Keep in mind when you eat, the food is wonderful however unlike Western standards, the food is not kept Gov. Regulated standards and so it is easy to get ill when eating out so be sure to pack Western Med's. as in Nam, you will not be able to buy many of the common med's. I recomend you never skimp on where you eat as Vietnam has many places to eat yet if you try to save money on food and eat at such places such as street vendors, you will be stuck in your hotel for several days as a result of your choice of food locations. It is best to eat well at locations that are often visited by westerns. Next keep in mind that people dress casual. There is no neet to pack clothes that stand out. Be alert as to what you carry as your wallet can be lifted in a second and sich things such as a cam, cell can just as east be lifted from your person. When I travel in Nam, I always place my wallet in my front pocket and place my pocket square on top of it so if one of the locals reaches in, they will encounter my pocket square first offering me me the chance to detect them prior to them reaching my wallet/cell. As for my cam. I have a Cannon Rebbel and I hold on to the cam. case very tight and it is always held in the hand that is between my wife and I to make it much harder for a person to run by and grab it.
Even in a taxi taking photos out of the window invites a passing motor bike to grabe it from your hands and so in closing I wish you all the best time. Be safe and be aleart. Should you require any further information on Vietnam feel free to email me [email protected]