Hi! My name is Jacklynn and I am moving to Vietnam (HCMC) in February to teach English. When I move there I will have my Bachelor's degree in English (from an accredited University) and my TEFL certification already. I wanted to know what suggestions people have in preparation before moving to HCMC. What part of HCMC should I be looking for apartments in? Is it difficult to find an apartment in HCMC? Do you know of any good, fairly cheap hotels to stay at until I find a more permanent residence? How do people find roommates? Are most apartments already furnished? Is it fairly easy to find a job teaching English with a Bachelor's degree and proper TEFL certification? How does one find out if a school is hiring? Should I purchase travel insurance if I am planning to stay there for 6+ months? How many anti-malarials did you bring out with you/how long did you take them for? What vaccines did you get before moving to Vietnam? Did you get your Visa long before moving out to Vietnam or did you opt for the Visa upon arrival option? What is dating like in Vietnam? Do you have any other suggestions for me in preparation? Thank you!