The last time I was in Vietnam I used my nephew's laptop but it was really slow. He lives in the boonies and buys internet time when he needs it. I want to know if I can use my own laptop in Vietnam and if so how do I get access to the internet. I've heard rumors that countries can block access. I am computer illiterate, 73 years old and want to keep in touch with my family in the states while staying in the jungle for 4 months with just my Vietnamese in-laws and no English speaking person except me. I'm taking my adult children there but they are staying just 10 days and then my wife is taking them back to the states. Also how do I establish an email account/address for my nephew's computer and can I use a web cam to send with? I know to most of you, these ?s may seem dumb but like I said I'm no tech wizard, so please, some of you brainy expats, please help an old guy figure it out. Thanks