I would like to know any ones positive experience with getting veneers in HCMC or My Tho. Also any bad news too. I'll be in Vietnam for 3 months starting in March and want to look my best before heading to my maker or the other place and thought a nice smile may get me closer to where I'd like to end up. I'd also like to know where I should not go. It's been a very long time since I was on my own in Saigon and the last thing I want to do is sight see or socialize in a dark alley. Any help? I lived in Saigon for two and a half years but that ended in 1973 after the POWs were released and the peace keepers took over Tan Son Nhut. I was a medic on TSN and as I've seen on a trip in March, a whole lot has changed, can't find any old haunts or even where I lived, street names have mostly all changed. Thanks for any help. Mike aka leontwagon