I just moved to managua from Jinotega,i lasted 6 months in jinotega but wanted to find a new place to live not able to handle the hygiene at the shared place as they added a cat and then the new dog showed up and all of us with toddler living around a mall court yard where all the houses event centralize ,like even the ewage smells and animal crap......The price was great under $80 monthly with all utilities and basic furnishing in a room...There are hotels in town with same bad quality but double the price.....I tried searching other places in the small mountain cities/towns and availability is a slow course.....I decided to look at grnada and managua and try the heat of the low lands...sure enough my first search brought reply and went to managua...I ended up visiting a shared house in centro america neighbour hood also near alta mira and centro metro. All in one location..i moved after 1 day of searching as opposed to 2 months searching in jinotega...Even as i moved,there are so many rent signs for apt. house share on the same block i live...Literally you could show up to this area and spend a night in a hotel for $15 and up and then before check out the next day move into omething for $100 up to $750 in the rich pickings behind the hilton and intercontinental hotel and of course 2 modern malls and much other developed world stuff,not to mention its possible to be in clean areas...i gotta go ,but tomorow i will add to this