Yes, I was shocked by the poverty I saw as I road in the taxi from the airport to Hotel Ticomo.
Yes, I was overwhelmed by the "process" of how things are done when attempting to set up house with tank gas, water, internet, phone etc.
Yes, I was frustrated by the need to go to 10 different places to purchase needed household items and food instead of going to one or two stores to get my errands done.
Yes, I have resolved to "live with less" and stick to the essentials. Saves a lot of money!
Now, a new wave of shock is hitting me, at a very personal level. Marilyn, the person I jumped "on board" with to venture a new way to retire is literally all over the place with anger and regret because of problems with TransExpress / Nica box, customs, and looong delivery time with the post office. While I don't get into mailing stuff, on a regular basis, Marilyn is constantly mailing boxes, post cards, letters AND receiving them as well (when and IF they arrive.)
Though I keep reminding her that this is a form of culture shock, and surely she understood that living in Nica for less required some "trade offs", she isn't listening.
NOW, I am SERIOUSLY working on a back up plan. Being non-Spanish speaking (temporarily) and potentially alone (if Marilyn decides to "bail"), requires some savvy and thinking. I am thinking, if it is necessary, perhaps Granada or Esteli might be a good place to "start" for a single person. Yes, we have made some friends (in Managua, Leon and Ticuantepe) but they are all Spanish speaking and while they would help, I would be limited by the lack of adequate Spanish.
Now, culture shock is not the issue. The issue is now survival. Please take me serious when I ask for helpful suggestions, ideas or recommendations for this potentially new situation: living single and non-Spanish speaking (temporary).
Thank you for responding. I am grateful for all the help I can get in getting a plan put together to: (1) reduce stress, (2) reduce worry, (3) identify with a new positive attitude and ideas.
Yes, I was overwhelmed by the "process" of how things are done when attempting to set up house with tank gas, water, internet, phone etc.
Yes, I was frustrated by the need to go to 10 different places to purchase needed household items and food instead of going to one or two stores to get my errands done.
Yes, I have resolved to "live with less" and stick to the essentials. Saves a lot of money!
Now, a new wave of shock is hitting me, at a very personal level. Marilyn, the person I jumped "on board" with to venture a new way to retire is literally all over the place with anger and regret because of problems with TransExpress / Nica box, customs, and looong delivery time with the post office. While I don't get into mailing stuff, on a regular basis, Marilyn is constantly mailing boxes, post cards, letters AND receiving them as well (when and IF they arrive.)
Though I keep reminding her that this is a form of culture shock, and surely she understood that living in Nica for less required some "trade offs", she isn't listening.
NOW, I am SERIOUSLY working on a back up plan. Being non-Spanish speaking (temporarily) and potentially alone (if Marilyn decides to "bail"), requires some savvy and thinking. I am thinking, if it is necessary, perhaps Granada or Esteli might be a good place to "start" for a single person. Yes, we have made some friends (in Managua, Leon and Ticuantepe) but they are all Spanish speaking and while they would help, I would be limited by the lack of adequate Spanish.
Now, culture shock is not the issue. The issue is now survival. Please take me serious when I ask for helpful suggestions, ideas or recommendations for this potentially new situation: living single and non-Spanish speaking (temporary).
Thank you for responding. I am grateful for all the help I can get in getting a plan put together to: (1) reduce stress, (2) reduce worry, (3) identify with a new positive attitude and ideas.