Before going to Nicaragua I kept hearing about how noisy Granada is. It's true that people shoot firecrackers, play music loudly (especially during festivals) and use amplification systems to make announcements. For a town of only 100,000 people, Granada is loud.
If you have lived in an urban environment in the USA, especially one that has neighborhoods with a lot of immigrants from Latin America, you have already dealt with more noise than you will experience in Granada.
In fact, you can determine how you might react to the culture shock of moving to Nicaragua without even getting a passport. Just travel to New York City and use AirBnB or other vacation apartment rental service to stay in a heavily Latin immigrant neighborhood like Manhattan's Washington Heights or parts of nearby Queens.
There are few Nicaraguan immigrants in New York City, in comparison with the many Mexican and Dominican residents but there are many cultural similarities between Latino cultures.
I was surprised at how familiar Nicaragua seemed to me even though I had never been there. The reason is my work has taken me into urban Latino neighborhoods. Immigrants to the US bring their cultures with them. You can experience many of the elements of Nicaragua that cause culture shock, including poverty and having to conduct your daily business among monolingual Spanish-speakers, without leaving the US.
If you have lived in an urban environment in the USA, especially one that has neighborhoods with a lot of immigrants from Latin America, you have already dealt with more noise than you will experience in Granada.
In fact, you can determine how you might react to the culture shock of moving to Nicaragua without even getting a passport. Just travel to New York City and use AirBnB or other vacation apartment rental service to stay in a heavily Latin immigrant neighborhood like Manhattan's Washington Heights or parts of nearby Queens.
There are few Nicaraguan immigrants in New York City, in comparison with the many Mexican and Dominican residents but there are many cultural similarities between Latino cultures.
I was surprised at how familiar Nicaragua seemed to me even though I had never been there. The reason is my work has taken me into urban Latino neighborhoods. Immigrants to the US bring their cultures with them. You can experience many of the elements of Nicaragua that cause culture shock, including poverty and having to conduct your daily business among monolingual Spanish-speakers, without leaving the US.