Any one up for this challenge ?
My lady and I are planning to move to Nicaragua within the near future. We keep coming up… from our reading on various Fbook sites etc.… about different ideas and solutions which all of you have been so kind as to share online whenever someone asks a question.
( Seems a GREAT characteristic of many on the Expat’s pages ! )
We have a multitude of questions popping into mind every day… some we find answers to online. Some we make note of… and unfortunately, will lose track of when needed.
( My grey matter is about as good as the amount of hairs on my head… rapidly diminishing ! )
So… how about this idea for the benefit of all of us… those living in Nicaragua, those planning on a move to Nicaragua in the future, those whom simply wish to share their wealth of “feet on the ground” knowledge. Eventually, collectively, we could make this “guide “ available to all… perhaps in a printed version to put into your junk drawer or file cabinet… for the sole purpose of reference when needed ?
I am planning on simply adding a prefix number… and then cataloguing the information… from time to time… then will one day down the road… sort it into various categories for the ease of use, rather than reading through an entire index page(s) to find what you seek … make sense to you… it surely does to us.
If you know of some local fix to a problem which you faced when you moved to Nicaragua… please share it with us on here - (Facebook site ) or by email messaging me with it.
I’ve established a separate email account to make it simpler to organize it. [email protected]
Your Comments are welcomed.
My lady and I are planning to move to Nicaragua within the near future. We keep coming up… from our reading on various Fbook sites etc.… about different ideas and solutions which all of you have been so kind as to share online whenever someone asks a question.
( Seems a GREAT characteristic of many on the Expat’s pages ! )
We have a multitude of questions popping into mind every day… some we find answers to online. Some we make note of… and unfortunately, will lose track of when needed.
( My grey matter is about as good as the amount of hairs on my head… rapidly diminishing ! )
So… how about this idea for the benefit of all of us… those living in Nicaragua, those planning on a move to Nicaragua in the future, those whom simply wish to share their wealth of “feet on the ground” knowledge. Eventually, collectively, we could make this “guide “ available to all… perhaps in a printed version to put into your junk drawer or file cabinet… for the sole purpose of reference when needed ?
I am planning on simply adding a prefix number… and then cataloguing the information… from time to time… then will one day down the road… sort it into various categories for the ease of use, rather than reading through an entire index page(s) to find what you seek … make sense to you… it surely does to us.
If you know of some local fix to a problem which you faced when you moved to Nicaragua… please share it with us on here - (Facebook site ) or by email messaging me with it.
I’ve established a separate email account to make it simpler to organize it. [email protected]
Your Comments are welcomed.