Hola amigos. I am a gringa Spanish teacher that has lived in and traveled to many central American countries. After ten years of experience teaching Spanish in the states and many experiences with Spanish Immersion schools, I have a dream. That dream is to start a Spanish language school in an expat/tourist community. When I was teaching Spanish in Colorado I learned how to teach it through contextualized stories, though comprehensible input. I have not really seen a Spanish language school that does this yet. I envision hiring a couple of locals that are very literate and teaching them how to teach with this methodology. Then to start I would like to send them to homes or businesses to teach (for convenience and to avoid the cost of buying a school). Also it's proven that students learn better in small groups. My methodology incorporates small groups (6-12) people. This way I can charge MUCH LESS for the lessons and make more. So amigos, here is my question: Is Granada Nica, a good place for to launch this dream of mine. Is the expat or tourist community looking for a cheaper, FUN more effective way of learning Spanish? Also can I rent a bigger place and sublet rooms out to cover my living expenses as I put all my money into starting this small business. Muchiiiiiisimas gracias for all authentic feedback!