My name is Michael. I was a firefighter and EMT in the U.S. Air Force. I utilized my GI Bill education benefits to acquire a bachelor of science degree in sport and recreation management from Texas A&M University - Commerce. I am transitioning due to my mother's healthcare. My mother has been battling breast cancer for over three years. I began researching this possibility years ago. I wish to establish myself in a reputable and legal way. I will be visiting the embassy immediately upon arrival. My background consists of the following: public service, health and wellness, nutrition, fitness, agriculture, horticulture, operations of a ranch, religion, education and academia including substitute teaching, and my past few years of research have included the economic impacts of tourism and it's vitality to the survival of a nation. I am leaving a position as a general manager at a corporate health club here in the states. I have traveled in addition to being to educated and cultured. I am a professional of the highest regard and always possess and practice etiquette, yet I am still the same simple, country lifestyle man from Texas. Any assistance in our transition would be of extreme assistance. I express enormous gratitude to anyone who can assist with advice or a proper strategy of action. Moving myself is one thing, but moving a mother with breast cancer is an entirely different challenge. I am 37 years old, in excellent health and physical condition, never married, no children. I am not restricted by anything other than my commitment to provide my mother a longer life. Any advice is greatly appreciated, no matter the relevance or level of the advice. I value it either way.