Not a one of us has not followed the 'dream' of living in Nicaragua. Yet once ensconced in the life, you earn experience and wisdom as to the consequences of such a change. As a frequent advisor/commenter on this site, I often see the vapors of dreams clouding the vision. I find being a Pollyanna and singing "Come on, join in, everybody! Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows and Everything that's wonderful are sure to come your way" is not being honest or fair to the inquisitive. I often advise based on understanding the culture of the Nica people. It is about family, pride, and passion, and desire for work: A government that has prevailed over the capitalist incursions that have tried to keep the people from their pride and independence: A nation with the lowest crime rate, little to no drug gangs or trafficking, and the most popular president in all the Americas: An impoverished agro-culture nation that shows steady stable improvement. A great place to live but to be successful you need to be sensitive and involved, not living in a dream of expat Maj-jong parties or isolated independence. This is not South Beach.