Hi All, My name is Lani and I will be arriving in Grenada June 9 2017 for a two month stay. The home where I will be residing is about 30 minutes from Georgetown. I am hoping to meet people and immerse myself in the culture of Grenada and also meet some of the expats who call Grenada home. I've heard the bus service is good but the closest designated bus stop is also 30 minutes away. I can't see myself getting dressed up and standing on the road hoping for a bus. What I'd like to do is buy a very inexpensive car, the only qualification is that it runs. Then I would sell it before I leave in August. Or if there is a family with extra cars (we always keep the car in the worst condition as our emergency extra car) I would be interested in perhaps renting this sort of car. What I am looking for is a car that will cost less than renting one for two months. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I was raised in England and then spent my teen years in Hawaii, so Grenada appeals to me on so many levels. I'm super excited about my visit and hope to meet some expats as well as locals. Thanks, Lani