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Bilbao , Spain | What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Bilbao? | Expat Exchange
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Zubizuri Bridge in Bilbao, Spain

What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Bilbao?

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We asked expat moms who gave birth in Bilbao about their experiences and advice they have for other moms to be. They said...

"Firstly, it's important to familiarize yourself with the Spanish healthcare system. Spain has a high standard of healthcare and maternity services, and as an expat, you should ensure you have the necessary health insurance coverage. Secondly, learn the language or find a translator. While many doctors and nurses speak English, not all medical staff do. Having a basic understanding of Spanish or someone who can translate for you will make the process smoother. Thirdly, understand the maternity leave policy in Spain. Spain has a generous maternity and paternity leave policy, but it's important to understand your rights and obligations as an expat. Fourthly, consider hiring a doula or midwife. They can provide additional support and guidance throughout your pregnancy and during childbirth. Fifthly, make sure to register the birth. In Spain, you must register the birth at the local Civil Registry within eight days of the baby being born. Lastly, connect with other expats. Joining expat groups or forums can provide invaluable advice and support from those who have been in your shoes. They can share their experiences and provide recommendations for doctors, hospitals, and other services," explained one expat living in Bilbao , Spain.

Balcells Group LawyersBalcells Group Lawyers

With over 40 years of professional experience, Balcells Group provides legal advice on immigration, business, real estate, and tax. They help individuals, companies, investors, students, entrepreneurs, highly-qualified professionals, digital nomads, and more, to enjoy successful law processes in Spain by guiding their clients every step of the way. They speak Spanish, English, Catalan and Russian.

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Balcells Group LawyersBalcells Group Lawyers

With over 40 years of professional experience, Balcells Group provides legal advice on immigration, business, real estate, and tax. They help individuals, companies, investors, students, entrepreneurs, highly-qualified professionals, digital nomads, and more, to enjoy successful law processes in Spain by guiding their clients every step of the way. They speak Spanish, English, Catalan and Russian.

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What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Bilbao?

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