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Szentendre, Hungary | What do expats find most challenging? | Expat Exchange
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What do expats find most challenging?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they find the most challenging about the local culture in Szentendre. They wrote...

"Expats in Szentendre often find the language barrier to be the most challenging aspect of the local culture. Hungarian is a unique and complex language that is difficult to learn, especially for English speakers. Another challenge is the difference in social norms and etiquette. Hungarians tend to be more reserved and formal than what some expats may be used to, which can make it difficult to form connections and friendships. The slower pace of life can also be a challenge for expats used to a faster, more hectic lifestyle. Things in Szentendre tend to move at a more leisurely pace, which can be frustrating for those used to getting things done quickly. Additionally, while Hungary is part of the European Union, it still maintains its own currency, the Forint, which can be confusing and difficult to manage for expats used to dealing with Euros or other currencies. Finally, while Szentendre is a beautiful and historic city, it is also quite small, which can be a challenge for expats used to living in larger, more cosmopolitan areas. The limited number of restaurants, shops, and entertainment options can be a drawback for some," commented one expat who made the move to Szentendre, Hungary.

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