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Bocas del Toro, Panama | How do I meet people in Bocas del Toro? | Expat Exchange
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Bocas del Toro, Panama

How do I meet people in Bocas del Toro?

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When we asked people living in Bocas del Toro about club and activities where newcomers can meet others, they responded...

"Besides the bars and restaurants, there are fitness classes, Spanish classes, dive lessons, Catamaran tours, Live music venues, the beaches, volunteer opportunities and just meeting people walking down the street," explained one expat living in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

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"Expats in Bocas del Toro often join clubs and activities such as yoga, surfing, and sailing. There are also many expat-run businesses in the area, such as restaurants, bars, and tour companies, which provide opportunities to meet other expats. Additionally, expats often meet people through word of mouth, by attending local events, or by joining online expat groups," said another expat in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

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How do I meet people in Bocas del Toro?

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Bocas del Toro, Panama

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