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Bilbao , Spain | Will I be able to find a job in Bilbao? | Expat Exchange
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Will I be able to find a job in Bilbao?

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When we asked people about industries and career opportunities in Bilbao, they reponded...

"Foreigners in Bilbao, Spain often find employment in various sectors. Many work in the education sector as English teachers in schools, language academies, or as private tutors. Others find jobs in the tourism industry, working in hotels, restaurants, or travel agencies. Some foreigners, particularly those with specialized skills or qualifications, work in the technology and engineering sectors, often in the city's many multinational companies. There are also opportunities in the healthcare sector, especially for those with medical or nursing qualifications. Additionally, some foreigners work in the arts and culture sector, in roles related to the city's many museums and cultural institutions," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Bilbao , Spain.

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Will I be able to find a job in Bilbao?

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Zubizuri Bridge in Bilbao, Spain

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