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Bilbao , Spain | What do I need to know before retiring in Bilbao? | Expat Exchange
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Zubizuri Bridge in Bilbao, Spain

What do I need to know before retiring in Bilbao?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Bilbao, they said...

"Expats considering retirement in Bilbao, Spain, should be aware of several key factors. Firstly, they should understand that the cost of living in Bilbao is relatively high compared to other Spanish cities, although it is still lower than in many other European cities. They should also be aware that Bilbao has a temperate oceanic climate, with mild winters and warm summers, which may be a significant change for those used to more extreme weather conditions. Expats should also know that while many locals speak English, the primary languages spoken in Bilbao are Spanish and Basque, so learning some basic phrases in these languages can be beneficial. Healthcare in Spain is of a high standard, and Bilbao is no exception, but expats should ensure they have appropriate health insurance coverage. Bilbao is known for its rich culture and history, with many museums, galleries, and architectural sites to explore. The city also has a strong culinary scene, with a focus on Basque cuisine, which may be a significant change for those used to different types of food. Public transportation in Bilbao is efficient and reliable, with a metro system, trams, and buses available, but owning a car can also be beneficial for exploring the surrounding Basque Country. Finally, expats should be aware that Bilbao has a relatively low crime rate, making it a safe city to live in. However, like any city, it's important to take common-sense precautions to protect oneself and one's property," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Bilbao , Spain.

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Zubizuri Bridge in Bilbao, Spain


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