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Bocas del Toro, Panama | What do I need to know before retiring in Bocas del Toro? | Expat Exchange
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Bocas del Toro, Panama

What do I need to know before retiring in Bocas del Toro?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Bocas del Toro, they said...

"I would echo what the person who did the review on Boquete. Embrace the local culture and ways of doing things. Don't come here wanting to change the way folks have done things for a long time or try to make it like the US. At the same time you can teach the locals what you know in a nice way as you make friends with them," said a member in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Business Panama GroupBusiness Panama Group

The Business Panama Group is a well-established group of companies, professionals and alliance partners with 20 years of experience promoting and facilitating business, investments, real estate, immigration and tourism in Panama by providing information, business development and support services to individual and corporate investors.

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Business Panama GroupBusiness Panama Group

The Business Panama Group is a well-established group of companies, professionals and alliance partners with 20 years of experience promoting and facilitating business, investments, real estate, immigration and tourism in Panama by providing information, business development and support services to individual and corporate investors.

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"Expats should be aware that Bocas del Toro is a remote area with limited access to medical care and other services. It is important to research the availability of medical care and other services before retiring in Bocas del Toro. Additionally, expats should be aware that the cost of living in Bocas del Toro is relatively low, but the cost of imported goods can be high. It is also important to research the local laws and regulations before retiring in Bocas del Toro, as they may differ from those in other countries. Finally, expats should be aware that the local language is Spanish, so it is important to learn some basic Spanish before retiring in Bocas del Toro," remarked another expat who made the move to Bocas del Toro, Panama.

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What do I need to know before retiring in Bocas del Toro?

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Bocas del Toro, Panama

Business Panama Group
Business Panama Group

Business Panama Group, with 20 years of experience, plays a pivotal role in promoting and facilitating investments, real estate, and tourism ventures in Panama.
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Business Panama GroupBusiness Panama Group

Business Panama Group, with 20 years of experience, plays a pivotal role in promoting and facilitating investments, real estate, and tourism ventures in Panama.
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