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Rayong, Thailand | What should I pack when moving to Rayong? | Expat Exchange
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What should I pack when moving to Rayong?

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We asked people living in Rayong to list three things they wish they had brought and three they wish they had left behind. They responded...

"When moving to Rayong, it's essential to pack lightweight and breathable clothing due to the tropical climate. Include items like shorts, t-shirts, and sandals, but also remember to pack a few conservative outfits for visiting temples or other religious sites. Don't forget your swimsuit and beachwear, as Rayong has some beautiful beaches. Pack a good quality sunscreen, mosquito repellent, and any other personal care items you use daily, as they may be more expensive or difficult to find in Thailand. If you take prescription medication, bring enough to last your stay, along with a copy of your prescription. Bring a universal power adapter for your electronics, as Thailand uses a different plug type than many other countries. Also, consider packing a portable charger for your devices, especially if you plan on traveling around the country. Pack a good pair of walking shoes, as you'll likely be doing a lot of walking or hiking. A raincoat or umbrella is also a good idea, as Thailand has a rainy season. If you're planning on cooking, you might want to bring some of your favorite spices or condiments, as they may be hard to find in Thailand. However, keep in mind that Thai customs may have restrictions on what food items you can bring into the country. Lastly, don't forget to pack copies of important documents like your passport, visa, and health insurance information. It's also a good idea to have a few passport-sized photos on hand, as they're often required for various forms and applications in Thailand," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Rayong, Thailand.

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