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Rayong, Thailand | What do I need to know before moving to Rayong? | Expat Exchange
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What do I need to know before moving to Rayong?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Rayong, they said...

"Rayong is a bustling city known for its industries and fruit plantations, offering a unique blend of urban and rural life. The city is less touristy compared to other parts of Thailand, providing a more authentic Thai experience. The cost of living in Rayong is relatively low, with affordable housing, food, and transportation. The primary language spoken in Rayong is Thai, so learning some basic Thai phrases would be beneficial. However, English is also widely spoken, especially in business settings. The city has a tropical climate, with high temperatures and humidity throughout the year, and a rainy season from May to October. Rayong is known for its seafood, particularly its shrimp and fish dishes, which are a must-try for any expat. The city also has a vibrant street food scene, with night markets offering a variety of local and international cuisines. Healthcare in Rayong is of a high standard, with several hospitals and clinics offering a range of medical services. However, it's recommended to have comprehensive health insurance to cover any medical expenses. The city has a reliable public transportation system, including buses, taxis, and motorcycle taxis. However, many expats choose to rent or buy a car for more convenience. Rayong has a range of educational options for expat families, including international schools that offer curriculums from different countries. The city also has several shopping malls, supermarkets, and local markets where you can buy a wide range of goods. While Rayong is generally safe, it's important to take standard precautions to protect yourself and your belongings. This includes being aware of your surroundings, especially at night, and not displaying valuable items in public. Finally, it's important to respect Thai customs and traditions. This includes dressing modestly, especially when visiting temples, and showing respect for the Thai royal family," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Rayong, Thailand.

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