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Bocas del Toro, Panama | What do I need to know before moving to Bocas del Toro? | Expat Exchange
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Bocas del Toro, Panama

What do I need to know before moving to Bocas del Toro?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Bocas del Toro, they said...

"Expatriates should be aware that Bocas del Toro is a remote area with limited access to modern amenities. English is not widely spoken, so it is important to learn some Spanish before moving to the area. The cost of living is relatively low, but expats should be prepared to pay more for imported goods. The climate is tropical and humid, so it is important to bring appropriate clothing and mosquito repellent. The local currency is the Balboa, but US dollars are widely accepted. Finally, expats should be aware that the area is prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Bocas del Toro, Panama.

"Rent first before you buy. Your paradise today may not be what you will think in 6 months. Brings essentials and sell everything else, you can get it cheaper here," commented one expat who made the move to Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Kovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in PanamaKovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in Panama

Kovalenko & Vera is a Panamanian law firm that specializes in immigration law, corporate law, real estate law, banking, contract negotiation, taxes and flag registry. With more than 20 years of professional practice, Kovalenko & Vera builds lasting relationships with our clients to ensure your interests are safeguarded.

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Kovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in PanamaKovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in Panama

Kovalenko & Vera is a Panamanian law firm that specializes in immigration law, corporate law, real estate law, banking, contract negotiation, taxes and flag registry. With more than 20 years of professional practice, Kovalenko & Vera builds lasting relationships with our clients to ensure your interests are safeguarded.

Click connect to have our partner contact you via e-mail and/or phone.

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What do I need to know before moving to Bocas del Toro?

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Bocas del Toro, Panama

Kovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in Panama
Kovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in Panama

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Kovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in PanamaKovalenko & Vera Attorneys at Law in Panama

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