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Perugia, Italy | What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like? | Expat Exchange
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Perugia, Italy

What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like?

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When we asked expats and global nomads in Perugia about their experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system, they replied...

"The healthcare system in Perugia has been strained during the pandemic, with hospitals and medical centers struggling to keep up with the influx of patients. Despite the challenges, the healthcare system has been able to provide quality care to those in need. The local government has implemented strict safety protocols to ensure the safety of both patients and healthcare workers, including the use of masks, social distancing, and regular testing. Additionally, the government has provided financial support to those who have been affected by the pandemic, such as those who have lost their jobs or are unable to work due to illness. Overall, the healthcare system in Perugia has been able to provide quality care to those in need, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic," said another expat in Perugia, Italy.

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What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like?

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Perugia, Italy

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