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Perugia, Italy | What is the social scene like in Perugia? | Expat Exchange
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Perugia, Italy

What is the social scene like in Perugia?

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When we asked people living in Perugia about the social scene there, they described it saying...

"Perugia is a vibrant city with a lively social scene. There are plenty of bars, pubs, and clubs to explore, as well as a variety of cultural events and activities to take part in. The city is also home to a number of festivals throughout the year, such as the Eurochocolate Festival and the Umbria Jazz Festival, which attract visitors from all over the world. Perugia is also known for its lively nightlife, with plenty of bars and clubs to choose from. Whether you're looking for a relaxed evening out or a wild night of dancing, Perugia has something for everyone," said another expat in Perugia, Italy.

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