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Bocas del Toro, Panama | What advice to expats in Bocas del Toro have about housing? | Expat Exchange
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Bocas del Toro, Panama

What advice to expats in Bocas del Toro have about housing?

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When we asked people living in Bocas del Toro about the social scene there, they described it saying...

"Expats in Bocas del Toro recommend researching the area thoroughly before committing to a rental property. It is important to visit the property in person and to ask questions about the neighborhood, safety, and amenities. Additionally, it is important to read the rental agreement carefully and to make sure that all necessary documents are in order. Expats also suggest negotiating the rental price and to be aware of any additional costs such as utilities, taxes, and maintenance fees. Finally, it is important to be aware of the local laws and regulations regarding rental properties," said another expat in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

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What advice to expats in Bocas del Toro have about housing?

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