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Perugia, Italy | Why do people move to Perugia? | Expat Exchange
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Perugia, Italy

Why do people move to Perugia?

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When we asked people why foreigners move to Perugia, they responded...

"Perugia is an attractive destination for expats due to its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant social life. The city is home to a number of historical sites, including the Etruscan Arch of Augustus, the Rocca Paolina, and the Fontana Maggiore. Perugia also offers a wide range of outdoor activities, from hiking and biking to skiing and snowboarding. The city is also known for its excellent cuisine, with a variety of restaurants and cafes serving up traditional Italian dishes. Additionally, Perugia is home to a number of universities, making it an ideal destination for those looking to further their education. With its vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and educational opportunities, Perugia is an attractive destination for expats," wrote a member who made the move to Perugia, Italy.

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Why do people move to Perugia?

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