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Perugia, Italy | How are local medical facilities in Perugia? | Expat Exchange
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Perugia, Italy

How are local medical facilities in Perugia?

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We asked members about local medical facilities in Perugia, they wrote...

"Medical care in Perugia is generally of a high standard. The city has a number of hospitals and clinics that provide a range of medical services, including general practice, emergency care, and specialist care. The University of Perugia also has a medical school, which provides a range of courses and research opportunities. The city also has a number of pharmacies, which provide a range of over-the-counter medications and other health-related products. In addition, there are a number of private medical practices in the city, which offer a range of services, including specialist care," commented one expat who made the move to Perugia, Italy.

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How are local medical facilities in Perugia?

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