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Hong Kong, Hong Kong | What are the visa & residency requirements in Hong Kong? | Expat Exchange
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What are the visa & residency requirements in Hong Kong?

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We asked people about the visa & residency requirements in Hong Kong, they wrote...

"In order to visit Hong Kong, visitors must obtain a visa prior to their arrival. The visa application process requires applicants to submit a valid passport, a completed visa application form, a recent passport-sized photograph, and any other documents required by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Depending on the purpose of the visit, additional documents may be required. In order to apply for residency in Hong Kong, applicants must submit a completed application form, a valid passport, a recent passport-sized photograph, and any other documents required by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Depending on the purpose of the application, additional documents may be required. The application process may also require applicants to attend an interview with the Hong Kong Immigration Department," wrote a member who made the move to Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

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