Immigration Help Costa Rica
San Jose, Costa Rica
When you enlist the professional help of Laura B. Gutierrez of Immigration Help Costa Rica - you get Laura. Your case will never be assigned to a 9 to 5 staffer or messenger service. Laura handles all applications personally with assistance from a highly skilled associate and affiliations with two top law firms.
Her office is only an 8-minute drive from the primary Immigration Center in San Jose where ALL applications are processed. Laura submits all client applications in person and not through the mailroom or by hired help out of a legal sweatshop. While your proximity to your legal representative may seem comfortable, what is far more critical is your representative's proximity to the main Immigration Center here in San Jose. Dealing with the unpredictable and demanding staff at the Department of Immigration is best done in person and left to only the most experienced. Kindly vet Laura further through very unique testimonials: costaricaresidencycard.com
Laura is a native Costa Rican, but also has many years of education and business experience in the U.S. and Canada where she became a Canadian Citizen before returning to Costa Rica.