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Emotional Intelligence Study for Expatriates!

18 years ago
Dear Expatriate,

Have you ever wondered what would make your expatriate experience more successful? I have, in fact I have designed a research study to help better understand how to enhance your expatriate experience, and that is why I am emailing you.

My name is Saira Jhutty, and I am a graduate student at Alliant International University in San Diego, California, and I am asking for your help!

§ Has your organization sent you outside of your home country to complete an assignment that is at least nine months long?

§ Have you have been living and working outside of your home country for at least three months?

§ Will you be returning to your home country after completing your assignment?

If you answered yes to all of the above, then you qualify to participate in my research study! This study will only take 20  25 minutes and all data collected from your responses will be used solely for research purposes. All of your responses will be strictly confidential and anonymous and the data will be represented in a way so no individual can be identified. There are no known risks to anyone taking part in this study.

As a fellow expatriate, I hope you agree with me that learning how to make the expatriate experience successful is important to all of us. So, please pass this email along to any expatriates that you believe would be willing to take part in this study.

After completing the questionnaire, I will be happy to send you a summary of the results of the research when they are available. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected] or my dissertation supervisor, Dr. Bernardo Ferdman at [email protected].

The link below will take you to my study and it will give you a more detailed description of its components. Thanks very much in advance for your helpful participation!

(If the link does not work, copy and paste the URL into your browser)

Thank you!
Saira Jhutty, PhD Candidate
Alliant International University
Marshall Goldsmith School of Management
6160 Cornerstone Court East
San Diego, CA, 92121, USA
email: [email protected]

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