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Topic of the Week: Real Estate in Martinique

15 years ago
Please share your experiences finding a home abroad... we'll be using your responses in upcoming articles and our Property Section.

Do you own a home abroad or rent? How did you find your home? What factors did you consider most when choosing your home and neighborhood or town (proximity to work / public transportation / schools, rental income potential, (if you own), etc.)? What do you love about your home? What do you dislike? What is the real estate market currently like in Martinique? Also, feel free to include recommendations for good real estate agents in your area.

Plus: Casting Call from House Hunters International (Full Details)

If you are in the final stages of closing on a home or have recently bought a home abroad and are interested in being cast in an upcoming episode of HGTV's House Hunters International, email [email protected] with a few details about yourself (your name, info about where you are moving to/from, brief story of your journey, and a photo of the family members involved, etc.). Upon receipt of your e-mail, they will forward you further casting information.

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Living in Martinique GuideLiving in Martinique Guide

Guide to Living in Martinique covering expat life, local culture, finding a home, diversity and more.

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Cigna Global Health

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