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Coronavirus Information & Support (No Politics)

4 years ago

This new thread is intended for non-political posts about coronavirus. Please share information that will help other expats in your area and elsewhere in Martinique. This is vital. Share updates on hospitals and other testing locations, business and school closures, government updates, locked down areas, travel restrictions, where to get food, medications and other necessities.

Please also use this thread as a place to support one another in these uncertain and stressful times. There are expats on this forum (many of whom read and don't post) who are living alone and very far from family. A few kind words can make a difference in someone's day. If you want to debate the politics of how the situation is being handled in your country and other countries, PLEASE keep that off of this thread.

I lived in NYC on 9/11 and remember with humbling clarity how people came together at that time. That event changed me forever and thinking of it always bring tears to my eyes, but the kindness of strangers is what I remember most. When you look back at this time one day, you will remember the kindness of strangers. Please be kind.

William Russell
William Russell

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William Russell
William Russell

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