In Algeria you can feel free to be a normal business man/women in the `French European manner, you do not have to use a lot of protocols, handshaking, no kiss unless you know each other for a long time, hugs are common too, they are a sign of appreciation. Also used when you know each other and mainly with men without being homosexual. Dinner is proposed if the bargain is a big deal or the business is doing well, do not always think of a Muslim country where they will automatically have tea, Algerians drink alcohol especially in the business world, but better dont be the initiator, it's like watch first and then act. That is business on the high level, but if you are just shopping, its a different issue, you can do almost as Khaled says (in his old message). Bargain, touch the merchandise, even making jokes and being friendly is appreciated, besides, merchants are usually funny and nice, but be careful when you are foreign they could double the price for you sometimes, because they think you can afford it so do not hesitate and bargain toughly. Of course you can joke, smile, every thing is allowed if not exaggerated, so dress normally, no bourka, and no swimsuit either, I used to do every thing and was happy, because you need to open up to other cultures its an enrichment, and be positive and god knows how it could be hard for an independent single woman, so my last advice is: be on your qui-vive eyes wide shut if you know what I mean, ha ha
Email me if you have question at [email protected]
In Algeria you can feel free to be a normal business man/women in the `French European manner, you do not have to use a lot of protocols, handshaking, no kiss unless you know each other for a long time, hugs are common too, they are a sign of appreciation. Also used when you know each other and mainly with men without being homosexual. Dinner is proposed if the bargain is a big deal or the business is doing well, do not always think of a Muslim country where they will automatically have tea, Algerians drink alcohol especially in the business world, but better dont be the initiator, it's like watch first and then act. That is business on the high level, but if you are just shopping, its a different issue, you can do almost as Khaled says (in his old message). Bargain, touch the merchandise, even making jokes and being friendly is appreciated, besides, merchants are usually funny and nice, but be careful when you are foreign they could double the price for you sometimes, because they think you can afford it so do not hesitate and bargain toughly. Of course you can joke, smile, every thing is allowed if not exaggerated, so dress normally, no bourka, and no swimsuit either, I used to do every thing and was happy, because you need to open up to other cultures its an enrichment, and be positive and god knows how it could be hard for an independent single woman, so my last advice is: be on your qui-vive eyes wide shut if you know what I mean, ha ha
Email me if you have question at [email protected]