Hello Everyone,
I am so impressed with the helpful honest answers on this forum and wanted to introduce myself.
My name is Julia and I'm going to be arriving in Argentina in Jan. this year. I am an Art Teacher here in the US and am in the process of getting my TESOL in hopes of finding a school in Argentina to teach English and maybe art at?
Do parents hire art teachers for there children in Mendosa? I know there are some opportunities fro private English lessons but how about Art lessons? I am also a Makeup Artist but I'm doubting there will be much need for that?
Anyways, I would love to connect with you all. I lived in Belize for four years and the experience taught me the importance of community! I am hoping to rent a room, so please let me know if you hear of anyone in need of a roommate or a small space for rent.
I am so impressed with the helpful honest answers on this forum and wanted to introduce myself.
My name is Julia and I'm going to be arriving in Argentina in Jan. this year. I am an Art Teacher here in the US and am in the process of getting my TESOL in hopes of finding a school in Argentina to teach English and maybe art at?
Do parents hire art teachers for there children in Mendosa? I know there are some opportunities fro private English lessons but how about Art lessons? I am also a Makeup Artist but I'm doubting there will be much need for that?
Anyways, I would love to connect with you all. I lived in Belize for four years and the experience taught me the importance of community! I am hoping to rent a room, so please let me know if you hear of anyone in need of a roommate or a small space for rent.