Can anyone recommend a good area with cheap arable land. I am seriously considering moving my family (wife and 4 small children) to Argentina (from the Philippines) and want a place where I can develop a mostly self reliant farm and hopefully make money at it as well.
I want cheap land to develop myself. But not looking to buy right away just looking for the best area to settle in and explore for future purchase.
Looking for an area that gets enough natural rainfall that irrigation isn't normally needed.
Doesn't have to be prime farmland would prefer a few hills myself as I grew up in the Missouri Ozarks.
Can someone give a ballpark figure for bare land?
I have heard Cordoba is nice but expensive and personally I think I would prefer a bit cooler climate though my wife might prefer it there as she is from the tropics. What pictures I have seen it looks a bit flat too.
Also I'm curious if its possible to find a decent paying farm or gardening job there. I spent most of my first 30 years on a dairy, beef and forage crops farm so I have a lot of varied experience. I'm 45 now.
By decent pay I mean at least equivalent to US$1,000 a month for full time work. I am currently on disability and not sure I could hold a full time position but might give it a try depending on the type of work. I'm sure I could work part time though with a flexible boss and my wife is a good worker as well.
In my experience dairy farms in the US often have trouble getting enough help even if they pay well so figured that is the most likely opportunity for me and my wife I'm sure can learn it too.
However my preference would be gardening organically with a goal of producing the finest quality as in most nutritious food possible. Any foreigners looking for a good gardener to grow high quality food?
At present I and my wife only know a few words of Spanish so until we learn it English would be necessary.
Oh and good hunting and fishing would be great both for my enjoyment and for adding to the larder.
I want cheap land to develop myself. But not looking to buy right away just looking for the best area to settle in and explore for future purchase.
Looking for an area that gets enough natural rainfall that irrigation isn't normally needed.
Doesn't have to be prime farmland would prefer a few hills myself as I grew up in the Missouri Ozarks.
Can someone give a ballpark figure for bare land?
I have heard Cordoba is nice but expensive and personally I think I would prefer a bit cooler climate though my wife might prefer it there as she is from the tropics. What pictures I have seen it looks a bit flat too.
Also I'm curious if its possible to find a decent paying farm or gardening job there. I spent most of my first 30 years on a dairy, beef and forage crops farm so I have a lot of varied experience. I'm 45 now.
By decent pay I mean at least equivalent to US$1,000 a month for full time work. I am currently on disability and not sure I could hold a full time position but might give it a try depending on the type of work. I'm sure I could work part time though with a flexible boss and my wife is a good worker as well.
In my experience dairy farms in the US often have trouble getting enough help even if they pay well so figured that is the most likely opportunity for me and my wife I'm sure can learn it too.
However my preference would be gardening organically with a goal of producing the finest quality as in most nutritious food possible. Any foreigners looking for a good gardener to grow high quality food?
At present I and my wife only know a few words of Spanish so until we learn it English would be necessary.
Oh and good hunting and fishing would be great both for my enjoyment and for adding to the larder.