I live in argentina near cordoba. I moved here from the usa. I am going back to the usa and then returning here with all the things I stored there for over a year. A year ago when I came here I looked into shipping my belongings which include a chevy here, several companies mostly based in miami gave quotes. They were about 6500 dollars. The goods I have are worth more than that. Many of them cannot be replaced in argentina and those that can cost more here in argentina. One company from new york seemed to be inexpensive. they quoted only 2900 dollars but only can do to buenos aires. somehow if I use them I must get it the 760 kilometers furter myself or hire someone to do it. I fail to understand why this relative short trip should cost over 3,000 dollars more if I do the whole trip door to door from a miami company? Whose palms are being greased by the corruption? ANd is there a u-haul kind of company in argentina I can hire and do it myself? Having done u haul in the usa I know i am capable of doing the whole move myself lifting and loading my things. any suggestions someone might have would be welcome. dave