Hello there, my name is Adnaudta Hubbard and I am planning on moving to Argentina in December of 2017. I will be moving to the capital and wanted to know if there is any way I could open an online bank account from over here in the US. I want to be able to wire money from my check into that account as a saving method for pesos because I don't want to have to carry a lot of money with me on the plan. I would also like to avoid having to actually use dollars or an atm when I get there to withdraw a lot of money. All in all I want to have a bank already there before I move there. What are you thoughts, is this possible? also I have been looking at houses on 2 different websites that are over there but things are confusing. I don't know if the house is for sale for that amount of if it is for rent, because I am putting in information to buy the house but I see a lot for some weird prices. Since I don't know how much things are over there im alittle lost. How much are houses in Pesos over there?