Recent prices food food and staples in San Rafael – November 2018.
I don’t know if these prices are of interest to anyone but I will throw them out anyway. Conversion rate 1 $US = 34.50 pesos A. 4 Nov
“ 36.85 pesos A 28 Nov
Taxi, Mendoza airport to bus terminal 200 Pesos
Bus, Mendoza terminal to San Rafael (3 ½ hrs) 180 P
Gasoline, super 1 liter 40.9 P
Diesel, 1 liter 36.8 P
Cherries, 1 kg 100 P
Paint thinner (aguaras) 1 liter 80 P
Grape vines for new pergola, Seedless 4 each 250 P
Firewood, (Agaroble) 50 KG 250 P
Labor, 4 hrs (in the black) 350 P
Meal at Algodon restaurant (Best in area) for 2
persons with wine and desert 1580 P
Peach liquer, 750 ML 105 P
Havana club Rum, 740 ml 409| P
Beer, Stell Artoir 1 liter 89 P
Eggs, per dozen 36 P
Butter, 250 grams 45 P
Garlic, string of 25 heads 150 P
Detergent, Liquid 1 kg 103 P
Orange juice, 1 liter box 38 P
Gaseosa (agua con gas) 1 lit 37 P
Coca Cola light, 1 lit 72 P
Bread, Homemade country. Loaf 25 P
Sweet xmas bread (panatone) 46 P
Hamburger, 80% 1 kg 310 P
Chorizo 1 kg 320 P
Lomo (loin) whole piece 3.3 Kg. Price per kg 322 P
Chicken, Whole. (about 4 lbs) 165 P
Prices in the supermarket are higher than in the street stores. We buy fruit and veggies at a market called Q-Fruta or at the commercial market, COMERCO.
I don’t know if these prices are of interest to anyone but I will throw them out anyway. Conversion rate 1 $US = 34.50 pesos A. 4 Nov
“ 36.85 pesos A 28 Nov
Taxi, Mendoza airport to bus terminal 200 Pesos
Bus, Mendoza terminal to San Rafael (3 ½ hrs) 180 P
Gasoline, super 1 liter 40.9 P
Diesel, 1 liter 36.8 P
Cherries, 1 kg 100 P
Paint thinner (aguaras) 1 liter 80 P
Grape vines for new pergola, Seedless 4 each 250 P
Firewood, (Agaroble) 50 KG 250 P
Labor, 4 hrs (in the black) 350 P
Meal at Algodon restaurant (Best in area) for 2
persons with wine and desert 1580 P
Peach liquer, 750 ML 105 P
Havana club Rum, 740 ml 409| P
Beer, Stell Artoir 1 liter 89 P
Eggs, per dozen 36 P
Butter, 250 grams 45 P
Garlic, string of 25 heads 150 P
Detergent, Liquid 1 kg 103 P
Orange juice, 1 liter box 38 P
Gaseosa (agua con gas) 1 lit 37 P
Coca Cola light, 1 lit 72 P
Bread, Homemade country. Loaf 25 P
Sweet xmas bread (panatone) 46 P
Hamburger, 80% 1 kg 310 P
Chorizo 1 kg 320 P
Lomo (loin) whole piece 3.3 Kg. Price per kg 322 P
Chicken, Whole. (about 4 lbs) 165 P
Prices in the supermarket are higher than in the street stores. We buy fruit and veggies at a market called Q-Fruta or at the commercial market, COMERCO.