I am currently living in the UK but hope to move to Bangladesh very soon. I am British born of Bangladeshi origin. I speak Bengali however not to the standard of natives. Although I speak Bengali I cannot read or write Bengali. This is why I am seeking work within an English speaking environment in Bangladesh (Dhaka).
Currently I work for a Multinational US Software company as a Senior Sales and Marketing Consultant. My current salary is £45k GBP which is well above average in the UK. I would seek something above average in Bangladesh also.
My CV can be seen via my linkedin profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/malekmajumdersalesmarketing
My past experience consists of a fast paced customer focused environment. I am now seeking new opportunities in Bangladesh.
I hope that you can assist. I hope to hear back from you very soon.
Kind Regards
Currently I work for a Multinational US Software company as a Senior Sales and Marketing Consultant. My current salary is £45k GBP which is well above average in the UK. I would seek something above average in Bangladesh also.
My CV can be seen via my linkedin profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/malekmajumdersalesmarketing
My past experience consists of a fast paced customer focused environment. I am now seeking new opportunities in Bangladesh.
I hope that you can assist. I hope to hear back from you very soon.
Kind Regards