Hello, I'm looking at a job offer where the salary is in negotiation at the moment. I am a professional man in my late 40s with no expensive hobbies, looking for a 1-2 bedroom flat outside Hamilton in a quieter parish: I will be moving on my own to begin with. If I am frugal but not miserly, on average how much can I expect to spend? I know this is a broad question and there is no such thing as 'average' as lifestyles vary widely, but I am looking for a rough ball park figure of what a sensible man can expect to comfortably live on, taking into account rent, contents insurance, commuting, grocery shopping and lunches at work, internet and phone bills and insurance. This, even if not accurate, will help me judge whether a pay offer is worth the move, and how much to negotiate for based on what my disposable income will be. It has to be worth the move after all. Thanks for your help in advance!