I discovered Bulgaria the hard way, the overcharging, the rip offs, the bad workman, the outright lies but we live and learn. Now I’ve done it, been there and got the Tshirt and I’m still here!
Things have improved greatly over the past few years, there is not much that you can’t find in the shops for instance, customer service is getting better in some places and it’s becoming easier to get things done. Finding people you can trust to do things properly and making the right contacts takes time just like anywhere but well worth the effort and I have done just that.
Now I am in a position to offer assistance to anyone looking to come to Bulgaria to live or start/relocate or open a new branch of a business. Looking through the internet I see there are still companies charging ridiculous amounts 1500 – 3000 Euros for the relatively simple task of starting a Bulgarian company. The money in Bulgaria is the Bulgarian Leva, be careful of anyone charging in Euros because you will probably pay two or three times the actual cost. That to me is a crazy waste of money! If you would like to benefit from more than 10 years experience in this wonderful country without breaking the bank before you even achieve anything talk to me first. I am retired and not doing this as a business but I just think people still need to get off to a good start to really enjoy living in Bulgaria and I have the time to make sure personally that things are right, including the cost.
PM me with your requirements and email address and we’ll see what we can do.
Living near Sevlievo.
Thanks for your time.
Things have improved greatly over the past few years, there is not much that you can’t find in the shops for instance, customer service is getting better in some places and it’s becoming easier to get things done. Finding people you can trust to do things properly and making the right contacts takes time just like anywhere but well worth the effort and I have done just that.
Now I am in a position to offer assistance to anyone looking to come to Bulgaria to live or start/relocate or open a new branch of a business. Looking through the internet I see there are still companies charging ridiculous amounts 1500 – 3000 Euros for the relatively simple task of starting a Bulgarian company. The money in Bulgaria is the Bulgarian Leva, be careful of anyone charging in Euros because you will probably pay two or three times the actual cost. That to me is a crazy waste of money! If you would like to benefit from more than 10 years experience in this wonderful country without breaking the bank before you even achieve anything talk to me first. I am retired and not doing this as a business but I just think people still need to get off to a good start to really enjoy living in Bulgaria and I have the time to make sure personally that things are right, including the cost.
PM me with your requirements and email address and we’ll see what we can do.
Living near Sevlievo.
Thanks for your time.