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Bulgarian Law

5 years ago
This is a rather delicate post.
My husband operates a European transport company.
Recently, he moved an individual from UK to Bulgaria.
It has since come to light that this person was a convicted paedophile, who had served a considerable prison sentence for his offences.
It has been on my husbands conscience that he helped such a person and would like to make sure that the relevant authority in Bulgaria is aware of the circumstances surrounding this person.
This is NOT a post to name and shame ...
Nor is it a post intending to cause offence
If anyone has any advice as to which authority should be contacted/ contact details it would be appreciated.
The individual has set up residency near Haskovo in a property purchased from eBay.
It would be appalling if this individual were to continue to offend.
Thank you

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Expats living in Bulgaria can have all kinds of experiences while living abroad there. The capital city of Sofia offers a much different experience compared to what expats will experience in a Bulgarian village.

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