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Corporate transferr from US to Canada

21 years ago
I will be transferred from the USA to Canada in the near future (2004).
In 2002 I became a US citizen. Originally I am Canadian.
What happens when I move to Canada?
I now that as a US Citizen I need to file a US tax return every year. Can I file a $0 claim if I am claiming my yearly income to the Canadian Gov.?
I have paid into the US-Social Security system for the last 9 years. I know that at least 10 years of contribution is need in order to qualify for retirement at 65 years of age. Can I still opt to pay into the US-Social Security for at least 1 more year while living in Canada.
I will probably be staying in Canada forever. Does this affect expatriate status.
Can I be a Canadian citizen and still keep the US-citizen status, since I intend on making a US-filing every year.
Some please help clear up these questions.

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