I'm 29 and my boyfriend is 24. We live in London. I have 8 years teaching experience in 6th form colleges (16-19, media), my boyfriend knows a fair bit about computer-y stuff.
We are considering a move to Canada, but are unsure of the best ways to go about it. Are there any working holiday packages?
We have six weeks off in the summer, and are thinking about taking a long holiday, travelling across the country and putting the feelers out for any opportunities. The way my job works, is that I have to 'give notice' half a term before I leave, so if we were to find any opportunities for work, we would have to come back to the UK for a period anyway. I'm also not sure what visas I would need?
I could hand in my notice, rent out our flat (we own a 2 bed in London) and go to Canada until our visas or money runs out, then come home if we have to and hope to find a job.
Any advice would be really warmly welcomed - I just don't know where to start!
I'm 29 and my boyfriend is 24. We live in London. I have 8 years teaching experience in 6th form colleges (16-19, media), my boyfriend knows a fair bit about computer-y stuff.
We are considering a move to Canada, but are unsure of the best ways to go about it. Are there any working holiday packages?
We have six weeks off in the summer, and are thinking about taking a long holiday, travelling across the country and putting the feelers out for any opportunities. The way my job works, is that I have to 'give notice' half a term before I leave, so if we were to find any opportunities for work, we would have to come back to the UK for a period anyway. I'm also not sure what visas I would need?
I could hand in my notice, rent out our flat (we own a 2 bed in London) and go to Canada until our visas or money runs out, then come home if we have to and hope to find a job.
Any advice would be really warmly welcomed - I just don't know where to start!