I posted a previous notice about rations, but have an additional question about power tools and woodworking equipment.
I am considering a move to Chile, and I am curious if it makes more sense to load up on cheap radial arm saws, joiner, planer, bandsaw, etc., etc. and have them all shipped in a big container with my household items (books, photos, clothes, etc.), or whether those tools are just as cheap down there, and not worth the expense of shipping?
The reason I ask is, the economy is some rural parts of America make it possible to purchase a used joiner or planer, for example for a couple hundred dollars. I saw a radial arm saw and a generator, too, for not much more. Of course, I know they run on 110V, but with simple adapters, they could work down there.
I heard somewhere that power tools (and appliances and motorcycles, for instance) were more costly down there.
I also read that the cut off of what you can bring into the country is about $5000 worth of stuff. Which I think is doable. I think, with all the equipment I might bring, $5000 is about what it all might be worth.
So... I'd just like to hear opinions about anything related to comparative costs.
Lastly... this also relates to Solar Equipment. I was thinking of investing in a medium size solar kit (again, less than 5K) which could be used for an off-the-grid place. And I'm wondering if the cheap kits here are available down there too.
Keep in mind... with the above scenarios... there is roughly only ONE shipping cost for a container to Chile from the US, ranging from $3-5,000. So, since I'm gonna send my personal stuff (books, clothes, photo albums, etc.) anyway, it won't really cost me much more to throw in the tools and solar stuff.
Any thoughts??
Thanks very much!
(P.S. I apologize if my questions are idiotic, I just don't know what it's like down there)
(P.S.S. I'm flying down to Chile in December, to check everything out, and just trying to find out some stuff before I go)
I posted a previous notice about rations, but have an additional question about power tools and woodworking equipment.
I am considering a move to Chile, and I am curious if it makes more sense to load up on cheap radial arm saws, joiner, planer, bandsaw, etc., etc. and have them all shipped in a big container with my household items (books, photos, clothes, etc.), or whether those tools are just as cheap down there, and not worth the expense of shipping?
The reason I ask is, the economy is some rural parts of America make it possible to purchase a used joiner or planer, for example for a couple hundred dollars. I saw a radial arm saw and a generator, too, for not much more. Of course, I know they run on 110V, but with simple adapters, they could work down there.
I heard somewhere that power tools (and appliances and motorcycles, for instance) were more costly down there.
I also read that the cut off of what you can bring into the country is about $5000 worth of stuff. Which I think is doable. I think, with all the equipment I might bring, $5000 is about what it all might be worth.
So... I'd just like to hear opinions about anything related to comparative costs.
Lastly... this also relates to Solar Equipment. I was thinking of investing in a medium size solar kit (again, less than 5K) which could be used for an off-the-grid place. And I'm wondering if the cheap kits here are available down there too.
Keep in mind... with the above scenarios... there is roughly only ONE shipping cost for a container to Chile from the US, ranging from $3-5,000. So, since I'm gonna send my personal stuff (books, clothes, photo albums, etc.) anyway, it won't really cost me much more to throw in the tools and solar stuff.
Any thoughts??
Thanks very much!
(P.S. I apologize if my questions are idiotic, I just don't know what it's like down there)
(P.S.S. I'm flying down to Chile in December, to check everything out, and just trying to find out some stuff before I go)