Hi Forum Folks,
I’m beginning to think very few members are using this forum. I’ve posted a couple of things and received very little. I want to thank the two people who did respond to my posts. I especially want to thank Iain for all of the help he has provided. Most of you do not know it but Iain is a gold mine of information. However, I’m going to try one more time to see if anyone else is awake at this forum and will post one more time to see what happens.
I will be in Santiago next Tuesday so what I request here requires a quick response.
I prefer not to stay in hotels; and I may have to rent a room, apartment or house in Santiago for a short while. In my travels to different countries I found an excellent way to better get to know the people and their culture. I sometimes stayed with locals who rented out rooms. I did this in Costa Rica, Panama, Ireland and when I stayed in Los Andes, Chile. Some people do this to earn extra money. For example, in Heredia, Costa Rica I rented a room in the house of a family of three. The man had become disabled and could not work. They needed income. The woman set aside two bed rooms and a bathroom for guests in their house. A young lady stayed in one room and I in the other. The woman cleaned the house, did the shopping and cooked for all of us. Her young son was very nice. It was very good for all of us. Do you know of anyone in Santiago who rents rooms to tourists? Is there someplace online I can search for such a room?
Best Wishes,
Captain JT
I’m beginning to think very few members are using this forum. I’ve posted a couple of things and received very little. I want to thank the two people who did respond to my posts. I especially want to thank Iain for all of the help he has provided. Most of you do not know it but Iain is a gold mine of information. However, I’m going to try one more time to see if anyone else is awake at this forum and will post one more time to see what happens.
I will be in Santiago next Tuesday so what I request here requires a quick response.
I prefer not to stay in hotels; and I may have to rent a room, apartment or house in Santiago for a short while. In my travels to different countries I found an excellent way to better get to know the people and their culture. I sometimes stayed with locals who rented out rooms. I did this in Costa Rica, Panama, Ireland and when I stayed in Los Andes, Chile. Some people do this to earn extra money. For example, in Heredia, Costa Rica I rented a room in the house of a family of three. The man had become disabled and could not work. They needed income. The woman set aside two bed rooms and a bathroom for guests in their house. A young lady stayed in one room and I in the other. The woman cleaned the house, did the shopping and cooked for all of us. Her young son was very nice. It was very good for all of us. Do you know of anyone in Santiago who rents rooms to tourists? Is there someplace online I can search for such a room?
Best Wishes,
Captain JT