I have been considering moving to Chile for a while now, basically to leave the northern hemisphere. My Spanish is okay, except when they talk real fast (and then I don't catch a word).
I flew into Santiago a year ago, rented a car, and drove to Valdivia to meet a friend. It was a nice trip, and the people were very friendly, and helpful. The only thing was, I did not find organic food anywhere.
I did an online search and found a few stores that sell organic food in Santiago (and a feria, which I assume is seasonal), but that limits me to driving range of Santiago (maybe an hour, or two at the most).
So... is there any place to get organic food year round in the Bio Bio, or the central area? Or Concepcion?
Alternately, what if I were to look for a house on a small parcel in the Cordillera Central, and then I could drive in to Santiago to get my food?
I work online, and I keep in touch with friends by internet and phone. I don't need anything real fancy, I just need some place safe and secure where I can work, and maybe grow a garden. Does anyone have any pointers, or other advice?
I have been considering moving to Chile for a while now, basically to leave the northern hemisphere. My Spanish is okay, except when they talk real fast (and then I don't catch a word).
I flew into Santiago a year ago, rented a car, and drove to Valdivia to meet a friend. It was a nice trip, and the people were very friendly, and helpful. The only thing was, I did not find organic food anywhere.
I did an online search and found a few stores that sell organic food in Santiago (and a feria, which I assume is seasonal), but that limits me to driving range of Santiago (maybe an hour, or two at the most).
So... is there any place to get organic food year round in the Bio Bio, or the central area? Or Concepcion?
Alternately, what if I were to look for a house on a small parcel in the Cordillera Central, and then I could drive in to Santiago to get my food?
I work online, and I keep in touch with friends by internet and phone. I don't need anything real fancy, I just need some place safe and secure where I can work, and maybe grow a garden. Does anyone have any pointers, or other advice?