I am currently a college student in Oregon (USA) and am writing a paper on the AUGE healthcare policy in Chile. Per my professor, I will need whomever responds to complete a interview consent form. If you choose to answer, I will contact you directly through your reddit username to have you fill one out. Thank you!
Questions: • How has AUGE worked for or against you/your family? • How easy is it to apply for AUGE? • Do you feel that overall it works? Why/why not? • Do you suggest any changes? • Do you understand the policy and how it’s supposed to work? • What role do you feel the government should play in healthcare? • Do you feel it’s expensive? • Do you feel there’s any healthcare gaps? What would you suggest to close? • Is healthcare a moral obligation – everyone is entitled, or a commodity – you can have it if you can pay? • If a physician manipulates reimbursement for patients – such as exaggerating symptoms for a longer hospital stay, changing diagnosis for billing, is it unethical or justifiable? • Should employers by law be required to offer insurance? • Should employees by law be required to participate in employer offered insurance? • Should you be required to participate in the healthcare program? • Who should decide when it’s medically necessary to be treated – the doctor treating, or the patient that is paying? • How much, if anything, would you be willing to pay every month so everyone had access to basic medical care? o What should basic medical care entail? o Who should decide who gets this care? o Who should decide what basic medical care should be? • Do you feel AUGE is up to standards with other first world healthcare policies? • How would you reduce cost? • What do you think about rationing healthcare/medical services? • Do you feel that the policy sufficiently covers all possible medical issues? • Should more resources be provided to disadvantaged groups with poorer health status? • How well do you feel AUGE works for seniors? Any changes? • If there are limits to research dollars, what types of research should have high priority? • What is the public’s role in reducing medical services that have little or no benefit?
Questions: • How has AUGE worked for or against you/your family? • How easy is it to apply for AUGE? • Do you feel that overall it works? Why/why not? • Do you suggest any changes? • Do you understand the policy and how it’s supposed to work? • What role do you feel the government should play in healthcare? • Do you feel it’s expensive? • Do you feel there’s any healthcare gaps? What would you suggest to close? • Is healthcare a moral obligation – everyone is entitled, or a commodity – you can have it if you can pay? • If a physician manipulates reimbursement for patients – such as exaggerating symptoms for a longer hospital stay, changing diagnosis for billing, is it unethical or justifiable? • Should employers by law be required to offer insurance? • Should employees by law be required to participate in employer offered insurance? • Should you be required to participate in the healthcare program? • Who should decide when it’s medically necessary to be treated – the doctor treating, or the patient that is paying? • How much, if anything, would you be willing to pay every month so everyone had access to basic medical care? o What should basic medical care entail? o Who should decide who gets this care? o Who should decide what basic medical care should be? • Do you feel AUGE is up to standards with other first world healthcare policies? • How would you reduce cost? • What do you think about rationing healthcare/medical services? • Do you feel that the policy sufficiently covers all possible medical issues? • Should more resources be provided to disadvantaged groups with poorer health status? • How well do you feel AUGE works for seniors? Any changes? • If there are limits to research dollars, what types of research should have high priority? • What is the public’s role in reducing medical services that have little or no benefit?